Managing Inflammatory Eye Conditions with Scleral Lenses: Tips for Symptom Relief and Flare-Up Management

May 28, 2024

Living with an inflammatory eye condition can be challenging, as symptoms such as redness, irritation, and discomfort can significantly impact daily life. Fortunately, advancements in vision care, particularly the use of scleral lenses, offer hope for relief and improved quality of life for individuals with these conditions. In this blog, we'll explore how scleral lenses can help manage symptoms and flare-ups associated with inflammatory eye conditions, along with practical tips for optimizing their effectiveness.

Understanding Inflammatory Eye Conditions

Inflammatory eye conditions, such as keratitis, uveitis, and ocular surface disease, are characterized by inflammation of the ocular tissues, including the cornea, conjunctiva, and uvea. These conditions can cause a range of symptoms, including redness, pain, light sensitivity, and blurred vision, which can be disruptive and distressing for affected individuals.

The Role of Scleral Lenses in Symptom Management

Scleral lenses are large, gas-permeable contact lenses that vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, creating a protective reservoir of fluid between the lens and the ocular surface. This unique design provides several benefits for individuals with inflammatory eye conditions:

  1. Protection and Lubrication: Scleral lenses help protect the ocular surface from environmental irritants and provide continuous lubrication, reducing friction and irritation associated with blinking and eye movements.
  1. Barrier Against Irritants: By covering the entire corneal surface, scleral lenses act as a barrier against airborne allergens, pollutants, and other irritants that can exacerbate inflammation and trigger flare-ups of inflammatory eye conditions.
  1. Stable Vision Correction: Scleral lenses provide stable and consistent vision correction, even for individuals with irregular corneas or fluctuating vision due to inflammation. This can improve visual acuity and reduce symptoms such as blurred or distorted vision.

Tips for Managing Symptoms and Flare-Ups

  1. Strict Hygiene Practices: Maintain strict hygiene practices when handling and caring for your scleral lenses to minimize the risk of infection and inflammation. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your lenses and follow your eye care professional's recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting solutions.
  1. Regular Follow-Ups: Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your eye care professional to monitor your eye health and ensure proper fitting and alignment of your scleral lenses. Adjustments may be needed to optimize comfort and effectiveness.
  1. Preservative-Free Solutions: Use preservative-free saline or lubricating drops to fill your scleral lenses, as preservatives can irritate the ocular surface and exacerbate inflammation in sensitive eyes.
  1. Avoidance of Triggers: Identify and avoid potential triggers that can exacerbate inflammation and flare-ups, such as exposure to smoke, dust, pollen, or harsh environmental conditions.
  1. Prompt Treatment: Seek prompt treatment for any signs of infection or inflammation, such as increased redness, pain, or discharge. Early intervention can help prevent complications and minimize the severity of flare-ups.


Scleral lenses offer a valuable tool for managing symptoms and flare-ups associated with inflammatory eye conditions, providing protection, lubrication, and stable vision correction for affected individuals. By following proper hygiene practices, attending regular follow-up appointments, and minimizing exposure to triggers, you can optimize the effectiveness of your scleral lenses and enjoy improved comfort and visual clarity.

Finding Relief from Inflammatory Eye Conditions: Partner with Park Professional Eyecare

Living with inflammatory eye conditions can be challenging, but you don't have to face it alone. At Park Professional Eyecare, Dr. Ralph Paternoster and our compassionate team are here to provide comprehensive care and support to help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Whether you're seeking relief from redness, irritation, or blurred vision associated with inflammatory eye conditions, we offer personalized treatment options tailored to your unique needs. From advanced scleral lenses to innovative therapies and expert guidance, we're committed to empowering you with the tools and resources needed to regain clarity and comfort in your vision.

If you're struggling with inflammatory eye conditions, don't hesitate to reach out to our office at (718) 577-1094 or visit our website to schedule a consultation. Let us partner with you on your journey to healthier, happier eyes.

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At our state-of-the-art optometry practice, our mission is to preserve, restore and enhance the vision of every member of your family. We are committed to providing compassionate and personalized eyecare.
